Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Start saving money.

Fill out the form below to start saving money or you may download
a printable form here.

Note: you will need your current electric bill.

Plan Details

Plan: Spark Preferred 12
Contract: 12 Months (Cancel Anytime for Free)
  • No Monthly Fee
  • Fixed-Rate Security
  • No Early Termination Fee

Call¢ / kWh

Please fill out this form using the information as it appears exactly on your utility bill.

  Account Type: Residential
First Name*
Last Name*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Phone* - -
Billing Address same as Service Address
  Current Supplier: UI
Customer Name Key* What's this?
UI POD Number (13 Digits)* What's this?
Monthly kWh's
Referred by
  Spark Energy Terms of Service and Generation Disclosure

Yes, I agree to the Advantage Energy  Terms & Conditions

By clicking on the Enroll Now button below you are acknowledging that you are at least eighteen years of age and legally authorized to change Service Providers for the service address listed above and that you have read and understood the 'Terms of Service' document. You are authorizing Spark Energy, LP to become your new Service Provider in place of your current provider. Spark Energy will act as the agent to switch you from your current provider and will instruct your current provider to perform the necessary tasks in order to make the change.

Rick Bush - President
Advantage Energy LLC
361 Park Road
W. Hartford, CT 06119
Phone: 860.4ENERGY
Fax:     860.233.1576