Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Today's Best Rate for our Customers in CL&P territory
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Today's Best Rate for our Customers in UI territory
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Rick Bush - President
Advantage Energy LLC
361 Park Road
W. Hartford, CT 06119
Phone: 860.4ENERGY
Fax:     860.233.1576
Choosing an Electric Supplier

It is important to know that regardless of the electric supplier you choose, CL&P or UI will deliver your electricity, bill you for service and respond to power outages. And, only CL&P or UI can terminate your service.

Is CL&P or UI my electric supplier?
CL&P and UI must provide electricity to customers who do not choose another electric supplier. Therefore, CL&P and UI are the default providers of electric generation services.

How long does it take to switch my electric supplier?
It takes one billing cycle to implement the switch. So, it does not happen immediately. Contact the Department of Public Utility Control's Consumer Outreach Unit at 888-922-3782, the electric supplier or your utility for more detailed information about this question.

Do CL&P or UI own electric generating plants?
No. CL&P and UI longer own power plants or produce electricity. Instead, they buy electricity from wholesale suppliers for delivery to any of their customers that have not chosen an electric supplier.

Will CL&P or UI be upset if I choose an electric supplier?
No. CL&P and UI encourage their customers to choose an electric supplier to help lower energy costs.

Do CL&P or UI earn a profit by proving my generation services?
No. CL&P and UI buy electricity from wholesale suppliers for delivery to their customers. All customers pay what CL&P and UI pay for the electricity, no more, no less. So, CL&P and UI do not profit from the electricity they deliver to you; they just pass through the cost they pay.

Why should I choose an electric supplier?
Most people choose an electric supplier to lower their cost for electricity. Some business customers have chosen an electric supplier for the added services they offer such as energy management and conservation/energy efficiency services.

Can an electric supplier shut off my electricity?
No. Only CL&P or UI can shut off your electric service.

Who sends me a bill if I choose an electric supplier?
CL&P or UI will bill you for the electricity you purchase from an electric supplier. So, you will continue to receive one electric bill from either CL&P or UI. The only difference is that the GSC rate on your bill will be the rate offered by the electric supplier.

Do any suppliers offer electricity produced from wind, solar or other clean resources?
At present, the CTCleanOptions Program allows consumers to support the production of clean energy through a small surcharge on their electric bill. The companies that participate in the CTCleanEnergyOption Program do not sell electricity. Instead, they support the production of clean energy through the purchase of Renewable Energy Credits, commonly referred to as RECs. Over 20,000 Connecticut consumers are supporting clean energy through the CTCleanOptions Program.

Can I choose an electric supplier and participate in the CTCLeanOptions Program?
Yes, you can do both or choose either of these options separately. It is important to know that the companies offering the CTCleanOptions Program are NOT electric suppliers. Instead, they use the surcharge from participating customers to support the production of clean energy throughout the United States. Contact the CTCleanOptions Program vendors for more information.

If you have questions or need help with Choosing an Electric Supplier you can speak to someone at the Department of Public Utility Control's Consumer Outreach Unit at (1-888-922-3782) or TDD at (860-827-2837).

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